Modules that can be used individually or combined with one another - Our standard solutions already contain the components that are typical for the application.
E-mails received in the SAP mailbox are automatically accepted and processed. A workflow is started. All emails including the attachments are archived.
Automatic archiving of electronic invoices
Direct data transfer from XML for further processing, no OCR required
Mit Hilfe des Form-Designers können auf einfache Weise Dialogprozesse mit zum Beispiel Geschäftspartnern oder Mitarbeitern erstellt werden.
Mit dem Kreditorenmanagement können direkt über eine intuitive Web-Maske die Daten zum Kreditor eingegeben werden.
Das Object Release Management (ORM) steuert frei konfigurierbare Freigabeprozesse beliebiger Objekte unter anderem Rechungsdokumente in SAP.
With our form-based Web solution, all employees can participate in their SAP-controlled processes on any device.
Excel PDF, JPG TIF, Word, JPG, ... - the variety of formats in which documents are exchanged today is enormous, and presents companies and their automated processes with challenges.
The Capture Component controls the sequence of character recognition and validation steps after archiving, independent of the document type.
This tool helps to reduce the effort required to define new and change existing strategies.
Task lists for SAP processes, release steps for workflows in SAP and forms for summaries of jobs can be displayed and edited in SharePoint.