Invoice block and quality control in shopping cart
Payment after successful quality control
If you are working in the purchasing department and you are working with inspection lots, this extension can be priceless for you.
If an invoice (without WE-bez. RP) is captured and posted, before the goods were received, the corresponding invoice will be locked for payment with reason M. If goods receipt takes place and the material requires quality control, -no- reason Q is set. Blocking reason M is deleted by the automatic invoice verification and the invoice is released for payment, even though the received goods are still in quality control! The increasing frequency of this situation is related to the increasing electronic invoice exchange. Because of the faster exchange of invoices, the goods are often received later.
To takle this problem, we have developed an extension, which fixes this problem and reduces the risk of paying for unreceived good dramatically.
Your benefits
- You will never pay to early
- Make sure, that quality control is finished before making the payment