
The key for process automation in SAP

The SAP Business Workflow is the key for process automation in SAP. To increase productivity of the SAP Business Workflow for as many companies as possible, PSINOVA offers out of the box best practice solutions for vendor invoices, purchase orders, sd-credit, budget release management and many more. For those in need for customization PSINOVA also offers a SAP Business Workflow Framework to map all kinds of processes.

In addition we offer tools, to improve the daily interaction and work with the SAP Business Workflow.

Usability im SAP Business Workplace

The usability of the SAP Business Workplace usually doesn't comply with company standards and its requirements for daily work. With our WorkList we make a individually customizable alternative to the SAP Business Workplace available to everyone.

Workload distribution and deputy administration

Per default, there is no way of monitoring, tracking and distributing single workflow tasks. Additionally, there is no centralized tool for deputy management. The problem of managing workload and organizing deputy administration can be tackled using the PSIONVA WorkList Administrator, which is an easy centralized solution for both problems.

Agent determination:

Finding the right Person for the processing of workflow tasks is central. With the PSINOVA WorkFlow Role Manager process responsible employees and workflow administrators can configure the agent determination within a few simple steps.

Automatic workflow prioritization:

Tasks have to processed by priority if you have a high workload.

Bei hoher Arbeitslast müssen die Aufgaben nach Priorität verarbeitet werden können. The PSINOVA Workflow Priority Manager manages tasks automatically by prioritizes tasks belonging to a certain clerk and determines which tasks have to be processed with which priority and when.

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